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The term non-profit or not-for-profit refers to an organization's tax status. It is not a true representation of the impact a organization has in the community that it serves.
When we lead with that impact and not our tax status, our staff, donors, sponsors, volunteers, and supporters become engaged in a much different conversation.
For those who work in the for-profit industry they know when a non-profit connects with them that they are being asked for their support with a dollar or in-kind donation. What if you were just connecting with them so that you could share your mission, impact and grow your programming? How would the conversation go differently? What if your sponsorships weren't gold, bronze, or silver, but showed the sponsors what participating in your event was really about?
Every for-impact organization says that a certain percentage or the donated dollar amount goes towards their mission, but what does that percentage really mean? Today's donor wants to hear more than just some abstract numbers.
Some other questions to ponder:
Do you feel your organization has created deeper relationships with your sponsors, donors, and volunteers, or are you only interacting with them when you have a need for their funding and support?
What do you know about your supporters both professionally and personally? More importantly, do you have the time to find out?
With limited resources and time, for-impact organizations are having to cut back on doing the research needed and necessary, stewarding relationships, and in some cases effectively networking.
Today is the Day provides ongoing supportive services for organizations that are in need of leveling up their communication and connections.
Contact jodi@todayisthedayliveit.com to learn more about how changing your organization's mindset, will change your organization's outcomes.